Tuesday, March 24, 2009

OB and Ultrasound Update VI

According to the trusty internet, I'm currently as big as a woman who is 40 weeks pregnant with a singleton. I can only wonder how much bigger I will get in the next 2 months. My stretch marks are so deep and red it looks like they might start to bleed. I've started putting oil on my tummy every night in hopes that it will help my skin to stretch. Claire has already dropped, which has come as a surprise. Dr. Robbins had originally told me that the babies probably wouldn't drop until I went into labor. It is early for her to drop and it has made things more uncomfortable for me. Dr. Robbins thinks that she was just trying to make more room, which makes since. I took the glucose test and it came back negative which was a relief. I am anemic so I have to start taking iron with my prenatals but other than that things are going well.


Anonymous said...

Did you get my emails?

Lynsey Stone

Anonymous said...

And also, I dont know why it is saving my comments as Hot Chick LS! Sorry about that, you can just delete them, I just wanted to make sure you were getting some sort of communication from me!
