Monday, March 9, 2009

OB and Ultrasound Update V

We are now 25 weeks and still going strong without any complications. Both babies are still growing right on schedule and weighing at about 1.5 pounds each with Drew just a little bigger. They are now both head down. I'm so excited! We are praying that they stay this way, it will make delivery much easier. Dr. Robbins has finally given in and will let me deliver vaginally as long as Baby A is head down, even if Baby B is breech, as long as I understand the risks. I didn't gain any weight which shocked me but Dr. Robbins is happy with how the babies are doing and does not think that my not gaining weight is effecting them. I feel the babies moving constantly and I'm starting to get uncomfortable but I know that it won't be much longer. I'm trying to take things easy and not overdo it. My goal is to carry these babies to at least 37 weeks. Next week I will take the glucose test to make sure that I don't have gestational diabetes.

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