Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Long Awaited Update

Dr. Robbins sent me to a perinatologist to make sure that everything was fine with the babies because Drew is bigger. He was happy with how they were growing. Drew weighing 3.3 and Claire 2.11. So we were trucking along nicely until Saturday before last. I started having contractions and after trying everything I knew to do to stop them, we went to the hospital. Once there, I found out that I was having even more contractions than I thought. They gave me 2 shots to stop them but they didn't work. I wasn't diallated but I was 50% effaced and Claire was at a -2 station. They also did a swab test and it came back negative, so no babies for the next two weeks....if the test is accurate. So, since they couldn't stop the contractions they had to admit me. The Dr. said that the amount of contractions I was having during 30 minutes was the amount I should have been having in an hour. They started me on Procardia to stop the contractions and so far it's working with me only having an occasional contraction. They also gave me 2 steroid shots to prepare the babies lungs, just in case. I was discharged the following Monday on strict bed rest.
The next day I had an appt. with the perinatologist again. Once again things looked good. Drew weighing in at 4.5 and Claire at 3.10. Both are head down. He said that he wanted to see me again in a month if I was still pregnant. I'm hoping that that's one appt. I will have to cancel. The following Thursday I went to see Dr. Robbins. She wants me to stay on Procardia until I'm 36 weeks....ugh. I lost a pound, but she isn't worried so neither am I. I have another appt. with her this Thursday. I will be 34 weeks.

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