Thursday, January 8, 2009

OB and Ultrasound Update

Yesterday I saw Dr. Robbins and much to my relief she told me of her "plan" to make sure I carry to term with hopefully little to no complications. I've lost weight, which is surprising because I certainly don't look it. Dr. Robbins said that my weight is lower than what she would like but not to worry, "there will come a time when she will tell me to stop gaining". Other than that everything looked great. She wanted  me to have an ultrasound today to measure my cervix to make sure that it was thick. A thick cervix means there is less chance of preterm labor, which twins are known for.  Joe is the ultrasound tech and he is known for his accuracy of determining the sex of babies. The secretary said that "he has never been wrong".  So today, after finding my cervix nice and thick we asked if he could tell what our babies were. He quickly determined what Baby A was but Baby B played around for a while before giving it up. Don't ask me how Joe could tell what anything was but he has been a tech for 14 years and obviously has learned the tricks of the trade. So, if you want to know what we are having read on, if not, you need to stop NOW. 

Baby A is a girl, I'm shocked because I would have bet money that she was a boy.
Baby B is a boy. Needless to say, I am much relieved. I had to have a boy!

Their names are going to be (and we aren't changing them):
Andrew Tye and Claire Charlotte-Louise

My next appointment is on the 22nd. I will see Dr. Robbins and have another ultrasound. It looks like I will be going in every two weeks from now on. Crazy!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Perfect!!! A boy and a girl and your names are perfect.....I am so so so excited and cannot wait to meet them both.