Thursday, January 22, 2009

OB and Ultrasound Update II

Today I had an ultrasound before I saw Dr. Robbins. The babies are doing well. They are still right on target as far as weight and measurements go. They each weigh one pound. The little boy was rubbing his eye and touching his head, so sweet.  My cervix was even thicker than two weeks ago so that was a good thing. I've gained two pounds, one for each baby I guess. I still weigh less than when I got pregnant. I had a list of questions for Dr. Robbins. She has to dread seeing me but she is always patient and informative. I'm nineteen weeks today. Almost halfway there!

Wednesday I had to go to the ER. I was having horrible back pain on my left side only.  I pretty much knew before I got there that it was a kidney stone. I've had them before and believe me, once you've had that pain you remember it. So, I wasn't worried that it was premature labor but Dr. Robbins said that I needed to go to the ER anyway. Sure enough, I passed a stone and all was well again. They did do a sonogram to check on the babies, just in case. Andrew had moved down next to his sister and was kicking her. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. At twenty weeks I get to bypass the ER and go straight to Labor and Delivery but we are hoping there isn't a repeat of Wednesday.

My Mother came up on Wednesday since I was in the ER and she stayed until this morning. Thursday we went to Babies R Us and Mother bought us the stroller that we were wanting, Todd's parents bought us the matching car seats and we finally decided on the baby cribs which Todd's grandmother bought. Todd and I picked out a couple of onesies that the babies will come home from the hospital in, they are so cute. The store was having a HUGE sale on their baby clothes and while Todd and I were choosing "going home" outfits, my Mother was filling her basket with baby clothes. She was even counting months and buying for Halloween! We had a productive day and had lots of fun.

Another funny thing from the mouth of Keaton: Keaton goes to Mother's house everyday after school. So, the day we found out that we were having a boy and a girl Keaton was there. He asked Mother is they were "still twins" since one was a boy and the other a girl. Mother told him "yes, they just aren't identical". Keaton then replied "well, I know that. One will have long hair and the other will have short hair". It's funny how kids think. I hope he isn't too disappointed when they both come out with little to no hair!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

HAH!! Keaton is a nut and your Mom cracks me up buying everything in Babies R Us...