Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Catching up

We went to Gorman for Christmas and had a great time. I did manage to get the flu though so the following Monday I went in for an ultrasound to make sure that the babies where doing okay because I had had a temperature for several days. The babies were doing great. They were measuring right on schedule. They have finally been labeled Baby A and Baby B. Baby A is sitting on my bladder and at the time of the sono, he was trying to suck his thumb. The reason he is Baby A and  not B is because he is closest to the cervix. Oh, and I'm convinced that Baby A is a boy. Baby B is sitting on my stomach. I don't really have a strong feeling whether it's a boy or a girl. However, he/she is VERY active. So far there has been only a few times that their "playing" has kept me from sleeping. We went back to Gorman for New Year's and I managed to not only get a stomach virus but also, strep throat. I finally broke down and called my OB and she called in some much needed meds. Today my only complaint is that I think I have an ear infection. I go for another check-up tomorrow so I will see what Dr. Robbins says.
     Now for Todd, he got sick to his stomach Christmas night but felt fine the next day. However, I did learn something very valuable: my Mother is useless in a crisis! The way she responded to Todd getting sick was shocking. I thought that he was dying the way she was carrying on. It's funny now, not quite so funny then.
     We are home now and trying to recover from the past 2 weeks. I still haven't put up any of the Christmas decorations but it's on my to-do list. We hope that everyone had a great Christmas and New Year's. Many blessings to you this year!


1 comment:

Stacey said...

Glad you guys are feeling better. Way to go Fenwick....