Sunday, November 15, 2009

6 Months Old........well, almost.

In just 6 short days Claire and Drew will be 6 months old. I'm in awe of how fast our babies are growing up. These days both babies have lots to say. Claire really likes to mimmic sounds that we make. She's especially found of "hi" and "hoo-hoo". Drew has so much to say that he ofter wakes up in the middle of the night to have a chit-chat with himself. It's so funny. I just let him lay there and talk and after a while he falls back to sleep. They have become more interested in each other. Just this past week Claire had a toy and Drew managed to get himself to her and grabbed it out of her mouth. Claire immediately started crying. Is it too early for the "sharing" talk? She likes to watch Drew play from afar but Drew prefers to be within reaching distance of her. If he gets close to her he starts trying to touch her, which is fine, although sometimes it gets out of hand. Both are also doing their best to sit up. They still have to have a little support but it want be long now.

We will be heading to Keller for a few days next week. Claire and Drew have their well baby check-up and we will also be getting out Christmas pictures taken. I'm really excited. I found some cute Christmas outfits for them.

We are still not in our Gorman house yet. Can we say "money pit?" Most of our things are unpacked and we will be in it by Thanksgiving.

I would also like to say a big "HOWDY" to Tyf. She makes sure that I keep this blog somewhat updated. So, thanks Tyf!


Stacey said...

Thanks for keeping on her Tyf....I am always excited to see that there is finally a new post!!

Boettcher-Burkes: said...

Whoo hoo! An update on Claire and Drew! ;)

Okay then, let's make a deal: once a month I want to see a posting on how y'all are doing.

P.S. I'm pretty sure posting a picture or two wouldn't kill you.

As always - Tyf, Billy, & Kiernan