Sunday, December 7, 2008

We're Pregnant!

As most of you know, we have been trying to conceive for over a year. There have been lots of tears and we wouldn't have made it to this point without God, family and friends. 
I was scheduled for a beta test the morning of October 27, 2008. I had decided that I would take a home pregnancy test before I went to the clinic because I wanted to be prepared if it was a negative. Immediately upon taking the test there were two lines, we were pregnant! I ran next door to my friend Teresa's just to make sure that she saw the second line too. She did! Later that afternoon my nurse called to confirm the pregnancy. It was official, we were going to parents. My beta was 67 and anything over a 5 is considered a positive. I was due back October 13, 2008 for a second beta. For those of you who don't know, beta's are suppose to double every 48 hours. On the 13th the beta was 273. The doctor wanted to do one more beta the following week. On October 20, 2008 my beta was 4495. Because of huge jump in betas I had a feeling that there might be more than one. On October 27, 2008 we had our first sonogram. Before our eyes had a chance to focus, both babies were on the screen. Our doctor said "it's
 twins" and gave us both hi-fives. We were even able to see the heartbeats. My cousin, Keaton summed it all up when he informed my dad "well, the doctor FINALLY told Todd and Jennifer that they are going to have a baby".

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Congrats you guys!!