Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mozart and Beethoven

Claire and Andrew are in LOVE with Baby Mozart and Baby Beethoven. Grandma Jane and Grandpa Charlie bought them the entire set of Baby Einstein DVD's and they are loving it! They laugh, kick and talk through each one. It is so fun to watch them. I only let them watch each one once a day, usually one in the morning and one in the evening. NO, I am NOT letting the television babysit my kids! My Mother has the letters of the alphabet on big flashcards so I'm showing them the letters of their names and teaching them how to sound them out. Some may say that I'm crazy but these are the years that their little brains soak up LOTS of information and I'm going to pack as much knowledge into them as I can.

Both Claire and Drew had colds this past week. Their Daddy was kind enough to pass it along to all of us. I took them to the Pedi just to make sure that it was just a cold and nothing more serious, knowing that there wasn't anything to be done for a cold except ride it out. Claire weighed 12.4 and Drew a whopping 15.1! Holy smokes! He's barely four months old and is already wearing 6-9 clothes. What happened to my little premies?

I'm reminded of a song that I heard:
"I count it as a privilege, I count it cause to pray
To kiss my children good-night after load-some, weary days
For I know too soon their up and gone
And walking out the door
And I'll never have a child to kiss good-night anymore

It's very strange how times have changed
From the present to the past......"

I was just telling Todd last night that I try to remind myself every day to cherish the moments. Even when they are crying and having a little fit because one day we wish for those moments back. I cannot put into words just how I feel about my babies. I guess those of you who have littles know exactly what I'm talking about though.They are a blessing and I can't imagine life without them.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Baths, Bottles and Bedtime

Ok, I have to brag on my wonderful babies for a minute. We generally start baths around 7:30pm. They get their bottles right after and then are down by 8:30pm.....9pm at the very latest. They usually wake up sometime between 4-5am for a bottle then they go right back down, with no problem going back to sleep, and will sleep until 8:30 or 9am. Drew sometimes will even sleep until 10am. As far as their naps, all we have to do is lay them down when they get fussy and off to dreamland they go, no rocking them or them fighting sleep. They have been doing this since about 2 months old! My secret? A book called "Baby Wise". Oh, and a sound machine. We take it everywhere we go. If the babies are asleep they will stay asleep because it blocks out background noise, so no cranky babies due to not getting their naps out. I am so blessed to be a momma to these precious little ones!

PS: If you are wondering where the pics are, ask Todd, that's his department. :)