Friday, August 21, 2009

3 months old

Today, Claire and Drew are 3 months old. I was just telling Todd that it seems like they were just born. How time flies! Claire is very laid back and lady-like. She has lots of auburn hair. She is content to sit in her bouncy or swing and take in the world. She is our beautiful, beautiful baby girl. Drew is only content when he has a bottle in his mouth:) His hair is thinning, just like his Daddy's! He loves for someone to walk him around so that he explore the things around him. He gets bored easily and loves to take a nap. He is our BIG, little baby boy.

This week Grandma Jane and Grandpa Charlie have been in Gorman with us. They are helping us get things ready at the house so that we can move in the next few months. It's nice that Claire and Drew are going to know both sets of grandparents.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

For Tyf.....

On Thursday, May 21, 2009, Claire and Andrew were born. They are both so precious and so different! Claire is easy going and is willing to wait patiently while Drew, on the other hand, is very demanding and hasn't got an ounce of patience in him.....much like his Daddy:) Claire weighed in at 4.1 when she was born. She has auburn hair just like her Momma. She had difficulty breathing at first so she went straight to the NICU. She was breathing fine later that night but stayed in the NICU for 8 days because her doctor wanted to make sure she would eat. For us to "bail" her out we had to room-in with her during the day so that we could "prove" that we could get her to eat. We failed the first day but passed with flying the colors the next. Our biggest obstacle was keeping her awake long enough for her to get enough to eat.
Drew came out ready to conquer the world. He weighed in at 5.13 1/2. He has dark brown hair. He stopped in at the NICU for a few hours and then went to the Nursery. Drew and I both came home the following Tuesday. I was so sad to leave Claire but excited to get to go home with Drew. Claire had an awesome nurse, Florance. Without her I would have been a nervous wreck leaving Claire but Flo calmed my nerves. She has been a NICU nurse for over 30 years. We will NEVER forget her.
Today, Claire weighs 9.3 and her hair seems to get redder by the day....and thick, just like her Momma's. Drew weighs 11.0 and still has dark brown hair. Both have blues eyes, as all babies do, but Claire's seem to be turning hazel. Claire is sleeping through the night. Drew wakes up once to eat then goes right back to bed. They both sleep until around 9am. They are such great babies. We can't express how blessed we are to have them.