Sunday, February 15, 2009


Todd was admitted into Baylor Grapevine ICU last night because his oxygen level was in the 70's due to pneumonia. They had to put him on a respirator last night because he wasn't getting enough oxygen.  His blood pressure got really low too. He is better today. Please pray that he is able to go of the respirator soon and that he has peace and a speedy recovery.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

OB and Ultrasound Update IIl

Last Thursday we had another 2 week appointment. The babies are still growing right on schedule. Drew is just a little bigger than Claire. Claire is already head down but Drew was breach. I've been telling him he needs to get in position and stay there! It's still early so I'm sure that they will still be changing positions for a while. Dr. Robbins gave me an A+. I've gained another 2 pounds so I'm now 1 pound over what I weighed when I got pregnant.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Last Wednesday Todd flew to St. Louis. After talking with his previous BMT doctor it was decided that he should return and have some tests ran. After talking it over we decided that the trip would be too much for me, since I get tired very easily and require lots of resting. Jane (Todd's mother) met Todd in St. Louis and went to all of his appointments with him. I felt better knowing that he wouldn't be alone. The tests went good and we are waiting for the results but we are very optimistic that anything that was found can be reversed. He does NOT have cancer. He went in because he was having problems with recurring pneumonia and shortness of breath.  

I'm currently sick with a sinus infection. I'm absolutely miserable. I miss Todd so much. There are so many "little things" that he does for me that I miss. Most importantly, his company. Todd gets home today and I can't wait. The babies are doing great. I felt (with my hand)  one of them kick on Friday. I can't wait until Todd can feel it, of course it takes a little patience, they like to move out from under your hand. We have another ultrasound and we see Dr. Robbins on Thursday so I will have more of an update then.